The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Living in the Blessings

I found some words yesterday, words about blessings and what a blessing actually means. . . . at least one person's perspective of what it means to bless and be blessed. For some thing to be blessed means that all of the negativity attached to the person, place, or thing has been removed. I love this way of thinking about being blessed.

So I did two things yesterday. . . .

First, I made a very heart-felt request out through the universe to be blessed, both within and without. . . .to help create a barrier of protection around me so that I am not so affected by the negativity that surrounds me, but also to help remove the negativity that is within me.

The second thing I did was take action to remove some very powerful sources of internal negativity, which is an interesting act in and of itself because what I have started to realize is that negativity arises within me when there is some kind of an internal conflict. . . .such as when what my deeper self needs is in conflict with what my human self thinks I need to solve a problem. So I was able to identify two sources of this internal conflict and detach from them. This was my part of the blessing. . . .to do what I can to remove or transform the sources of negativity in my life. And the amazing truth about negativity arising from this internal conflict is that the thing itself is not a negative thing in and of itself. . . .so it's not always easy to see what the actual source of negativity is. . . and this is the great truth that is working its transformation through my world.

And so I awaken into this day with an unexpected fresh perspective on another source of great internal conflict that has been generating a huge amount of negativity for more than two years. But today I am able to envision a renewed sense of possibility, something I think I can actually live with. . . .because the negativity that surrounds this life issue is being removed, even if it's layer by layer. . . .electron by electron. . . .lol. That really is what's happening today. . . .these new plans are possible only because the negativity is being removed. . . .the blessing I prayed for yesterday is working. . . .and what a glorious gift this is for me.

It seems so simple how it's not always about removing the obstacles in our lives, but sometimes it's just about removing the negative associations attached to those obstacles, and miraculously, they're no longer obstacles.

Why is the simplest truth the most difficult to see?