The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Today I wrote a letter to a young person who is experiencing a difficult life transition, and when I finished, I walked along the rim like I was walking through the landscape of an ephiphany. It's like somehow I keep forgetting who I am, and need occasional reminders of not just who I am, but where I'm supposed to be. I sobbed my way along the rim and all the way to the post office, all the while planning my new life reorganization, but that's when the real epiphany occurred. . . .

Ephanies (for me) are like little ground hogs that pop up from my soul and reveal something important in the light of day. . . .they're larger than life, and feel more present and real. But I've been taking these moments of clarity literally, rather than understanding them like dreams that use symbolic images to express what my deeper self needs me to know in that moment. If an epiphany involves images of living in a specific place, I've been interpretting that to mean that I am "supposed" to be living there, or doing something that also emerged as part of the epiphany.

Oh, my goodness. . . .I've been getting my epiphanies all wrong!

So, moving forward, I'm going to take the images that emerge from my epiphanies and work with them the exact same way that I work with my dreams, and seek to understand them as nothing more than my deeper self expressing feelings and desires in a symbolic language that exists outside of words and logic. Because, perhaps it's not always about uprooting and repositioning. . . .perhaps it's more about revisioning and rearranging :) What a wonderfully fresh way of looking at my epiphanies!