The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Too Much Information

I'm on information overload tonight. I've been unpacking some of the boxes of books, and I am overwhelmed by all of this information. But more than that, I am overwhelmed by the fact of how much I do not accept myself as I am, because the vast majority of these books are one form of self-help or personal growth book intended to change some part of me or my life.

Why can't I accept myself as I am?

The answer to this question floods my mind with endless self-hatred. I hate my life. I hate what the panic attacks have done to me and my life. I hate that I can't control them. And I feel stuck in a nightmare from which I can't force myself to wake.

Well...that may be true, but I am going to sort through these books, one by one until I have purged my library and my life of any program intended to change who I am. If I haven't fixed what's wrong by now, it's either not broken, or it's unrepairable. And I don't want to waste any more of my life trying to fix what other people have broken. . . .it's like the trees that have grown around something that was never intented to be a part of the tree, but is now embedded from years of growth around it. . . .and there's no real way to remove the object without killing the tree (or doing serious damage to it).

So acceptance is the answer. . . .even if it's acceptance of a crappy set of life circumstances.