The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy as a Cow

I was sitting in my car last night waiting for the keyholder to arrive and unlock the building door of the meeting I was attending, so I had a little bit of time on my hands. This particular church is on the outskirts of town, so there was nothing but open space past the parking lot where I waited. It was just hitting sunset, and the Arizona scrub backdropped with distant mountains made for a wonderful sight, but that's not what caught my attention.

In the middle of all of that Arizona scrub was a small cluster of cows just walking around eating grass, and I wondered if they even noticed the beauty of the sunset, which was sort of the point of what intrigued me. They may not have noticed the sunset, but they also weren't worried about the economy or their housing status. They weren't angrily mooing in protest of bovine stock market abuse crying out, "Occupy Arizona Fields!" And they certainly weren't having panic attacks because there might not be enough grass to eat tomorrow. For all they knew, tomorrow would be the day the rancher scurried them off to market, but they weren't chewing their cud anxiously worried about how unfair it was that they were going to become someone's dinner. No, they were perfectly content to just mull around munching on the grass as the sky darkened around them, and whatever else was going on in the world was just not something that was going to disturb their inner peace.

What does that say about me, that I envy the cows with their apparent bovine bliss?

I don't know, but I'm thinking about the cows again, the cows and their perfect example of how to live in the now of the moment. Maybe that's where the phrase, "How, now, brown cow" comes from. . . . .lol.