The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Seeing What's Real

Children learn what they are taught. You show a child a cup, you call it "cup," and thus they learn what a cup is. That's the way God made us. But when it comes to other things in life, things that are perhaps not as tangible as "cup," sometimes this way of learning gets things all mixed, such as when a child is shown one thing, but it's called something else. Like how you can't beat the crap out of someone and call it love. . . .yeah, stuff like that. Because when a person learns about life in this "crazy-making" way, it can make it very hard to look through the deception and illusion to see what's real.

I have always found it interesting how Satan is described as the weaver of deception and illusion. . . .

I think this is one of the hardest parts about life. . . .to see things as they really are. . . .and then name it for what it is. . . . especially when we are being told something other than what we are knowing or experiencing. Which is why I also believe that what we "know" is so much more than simply the accumulation of what is written upon the human being's tabula rasa by other human beings. Because no matter how skewed the world may be presented to us, there is always something inside of us that whispers to our mind, "Something's not right," and it is this inner truth that gives us the courage to see things as they really are, and then to name them, even when that makes other people uncomfortable.