The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Am I There, Yet?

I don't know why some life lessons need to be learned over and over, but it is what it is. Tonight I am reminded (again) that I am trying to "force" myself to be somewhere I am not...and I don't mean geographically...I am talking about my piping.

What I have finally realized is that I am trying to be a band piper, when I haven't even mastered being a solo piper...which leaves me feeling chronically frustrated and disappointed with my piping ability... because i can't play fast enough to play with other pipers...when I should just be relaxing and enjoying all of the solo piping journey.

How do I learn how to live in the moment?

Such an important lesson...yet the simplicity of its truth continues to elude me.