The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Heart Stone at Kaibab Trail Head :)

Just outside of the restrooms at the Kaibab trail head on my wonderful afternoon hike with Ellen I stumbled upon, yes, another heart stone :) And I know exactly what's it's telling me, but I don't feel warm and fuzzy. . . .not today. Today I want to just walk on by and pretend I don't see it, pretend that the wind is blowing so hard that I can't hear what the heart stone is telling me, because in this momont I don't want to let go of my anger. . . .I don't want to forgive this latest nasty deed.

I know that we forgive others because it's how we release our own heart to live and love again, but good grief! Can't I just hold on to this righteous anger for another minute longer?