Yesterday was an interesting day. . . .some evidence emerged that I am making progress with my personal battle, but I still managed to let it get under my skin. . . .and as I walked home, I could NOT stop perseverating about the events that had unfolded earlier in my day!
So there I was. . . .walking home. . . .perseverating at will. . . .and then I look down. . . .and guess what I see. . . . yes, of course, another heart stone! This one was actually quite large, about 10 inches across the widest part! My heart actually lept with great joy. . . .like I had bumped into a best friend I haven't seen in a long time!
See. . . .this is the beauty of walking through a magical world that speaks to me! Now that I know what the heart stones are trying to tell me. . . .that my personal power is transformation through love. . . .I was able to make an adjustment in attitude and focus pretty darned quickly! [By the way. . . .one of my all time favorite programs was a very short lived series called "Wonderfalls" about a young woman who could hear her world talking to her, too! But that is another story to tell...]
So even though I may not (yet) know why I give so much of my energy and personal power to this woman in my mind, once again, the power of the heart stone healed another part of my troubled world :) I just absolutely love these heart stones for how wonderfully miraculous and magical their words are when spoken upon my mind! I can't find them, of course, when I am purposefully looking for them. . . .which only reaffirms that it is the universe speaking to me and guiding my heart's journey. . . .
So I say, let the heart stones and my heart unite!