One of the things I love about life is how unpredictable it can be. When I came to the canyon more than a year and a half ago, I thought I was coming here for a "working vacation." Turns out there was very little vacation about it. . . .and the "work" part turned out to be more emotional than occupational.
There was something I needed to learn. . . .and I believe that's why the canyon called me here. When I sat on the edge in 2005 and felt my spirit stand up and walk through the canyon like Paul Bunyon, it refused to squeeze back into the box my psyche had created to protect it. But it has taken all of these six long years to understand what that really means.
Evil Kneivil broke 433 bones during the course of his life. . . .they healed, left scars, imposed limitations, and probably hurt a LOT....but they never stopped him from doing what he loved. Evil Kneival is the epitome of the Phoenix in human form (or is it the epitome of human stupidity? lol). Regardless of which he best embodies, I think the more broken and beat up we are by the journey, the more courage and strength it takes to rise up again and again out of the ashes of personal tragedy and lost love. But I also believe that the struggle and pain help to make us appreciate the journey from a deeper place of gratitude because of the never ending obstacles needing to be overcome in order to simply continue on. But we do. . . .because the Phoenix spirit in all of us rises up to live and love again.
My life has left me deeply scarred. . . .with parts still feeling like they are broken beyond repair. But my journey here at this amazing canyon has helped me to accept this truth about my self without apology for these scars that bind and blind me.
It is what it is. . . .I am what I am. . . .and I still deserve to live, love and laugh my way through the journey. . . .