The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Good Sign!

I could have been sad...I could have been angry with the cat...I could have cried out, "Oh, no!" when I (and, most likely, the neighbor below) was awakened by a crash...two separate crashes, actually...when two boards fell down, knocking one of the symbolic pieces of my Past, Present, Future shrine into broken pieces strewn across the floor! But, instead of crying over the broken pieces, my heart smiled as it was filled with gratitude and appreciation for the 'good sign' that awaken me this morning!

All of my hard work has paid off!

The little statue used to be a multi-headed dragon that sat atop the 'Past' tower, symbollically representing the nasty dragons from past experiences with which I continue to do battle. But, this morning I was informed by the Universe that two of the dragon's heads have been decapitated, and one of its wings has been severed! The dragon beast may not have been killed, but it's been severely hampered with how much trouble it can cause me!

The dragon has lost TWO heads, and can no longer fly!

And, even though the dreaded Dragon of Experience Past still has three nasty heads remaining, this a such a great sign, indeed! So, this disempowered beast sits atop its perch licking its wounds and plotting its next attack, I will only be spurred on by the severed heads and wing like an outnumbered Spartan Warrior crying out, "MOLON LABE!!!" to the oppressive forces seeking to oppress and destroy me!

So, Dragon Past, take heed! Lick your wounds for as long as you need, and look deep and hard at what you have lost this day, for these will not the last heads that you will lose if you continue with your futile attack against my unrelenting spirit!

Molon Labe, indeed!