I have continued to think about the doodle I drew yesterday. It was sort of interesting to me how these two tree structures had become enmeshed at the base and at some point alng their growth curve ..or were they enmeshed all along, and somehow they are separating? I'm not sure....it's just a doodle...lol.
But when I look at this doodle in terms of where I am in my life, this doodle is me. I AM separating from the part of me that is encased by a brick building. The growth may have continued up through the roof for that part of me, as a tree's growth has the power to move buildings off of their foundations...but that part cannot move (without cutting off the only growth that exists for that part)...and, so, if I don't separate myaelf, then I remain stuck, unable to move ir breathr freely.
But the tree on the left, she has new growth sprouting from her head...and, she is separating herself from the enmeshed part that keeps her bound up and locked in one place.
There is also "seepage" oozing out from the building, although I don't know what that is, yet...
So, I AM separating from myself...or, parts of me that no longer serve my life purpose. The tree part that remains can continue to grow, of course...but the brick building that encases that part remains strong and viable for now, so I don't know what to do with this separation anxiety that leaves a part of me still imprisoned and upset that I am separating from him. All I know is that if I remain attached and enmeshed to that part of me, I will die...