This morning I realized that I've actually been working on this "sorting and purging" process since I started living on my boat...which was back in 2007? 8? Living on the boat sort of forced the issue, but it has continued slowly ever since...and the project is definitely kicked into high gear.
This process is actually a full-time job, and I am working on this project all day long...every single day. It may move more quickly or slowly, depending on which layer is getting sorted, but the process is what it is, and I couldn't do this any faster than it's getting done...and it IS getting done!
I feel lighter and more liberated each day, and I know that even my car and the tumbleweed trailer will be limiting in their own ways...but, they will absolutely afford me a kind of freedom that I have been dreaming about for years...a dream that I am literally living.
My life is life is now.
I feel so grateful that I have this open-ended time to unpack the congestion. If I had to be working right now (even just one day a week), I would feel completely overwhelmed. But the way my life is structured, I can move at a pace that works, and process the emotional dust and debris that rises to the surface once the congestion is dislodged.
I don't know a single person who wouldn't enjoy stepping off of the merry-go-round (or roller coaster) of their life for some open-ended time for personal I truly feel blessed that I have the luxury of doing so, for however long I feel the need to do this.
I have earned this long overdue vacation..yes, I most certainly have, indeed!