The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Internal GPS

Today I found an old key chain with a floating compass on it. I thought it would be cool to have the compass on my current key chain...but, upon further inspection decided that a compass with no sense of bearings would NOT be a good symbol of my new life

The compass didn't work!

That's the trouble with relying on information outside of us...and, if I followed the direction on THIS compass, I would most certainly never get where I'm headed, and probably end up just walking in circles. Sometimes we need some external help, but we also need to rely on our internal GPS.

This compass went bye-bye

I think the hardest thing to do in life is to learn to trust our own internal guidance system. I live in a world where experts on every corner are trying to make a living by telling the world how everyone is supposed to live their lives. Entire industries are built on this model, and the basic premise is to undermine individual empowerment and critical thinking skills.

Where would the beauty industry be if everyone simply accepted themselves as they are, flaws and all?

Road maps created by those who have travelled before us from what they've learned from the experience is wonderful...but we still need to stake out own choices about which roads we take (or not), as well as how we travel the journey.

My mind is flooded right now with a whirlwind of internal voices causing uncertainty and, I am having to sort and downsize this part of my life, as well. And, learning how to trust my internal GPS is the hardest part of all...but it's the only compass that will get me to where I need to be...