The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Big Enough

Last night a new layer to this journey made itself known...because I am nearly completed with the preparation phase. And as I was lying in bed thinking about what I am doing with my life, I started to feel very tiny and very scared, like a baby minnow looking upon the ocean for the first time and  feeling overehelmed by how big this new world is.

There is so much about this change that scares me cold to my core. And as I think about driving off from my dad's in a few days, I am so poignantly aware of how vulnerable I will be. And more than this, what if I grow quickly bored with the lifestyle? What if I can't manage the panic attacks on the road? What if...what if...what if...?

I don't HAVE to do this...I could make a different choice at any moment. I won't, of course....because this is just about the fear of everything that's unknown....but the fear is making me to feel very tiny and very, very vulnerable.

One of my friends posted this meme to my Facebook page this morning...perfect timing...and validation that my dream is big enough, indeed...