The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Carrot Cake

I've been thinking all weekend about the chasing of carrots and the  overcoming of obstacles as the central themes of my life story, and wanting them to stop. But one of my friend's comments opened up a different perspective from what I've been feeling.

Perhaps the carrots and the obstacles aren't the problem.

Yes, I have always set high ecpectations for myself...and that does make for a more challenging life journey. I make choices that go against the well trod paths, I choose majors based on desire (rather than marketability), I choose classes with the most difficult instructors (rather than avoid them like the masses), and I create a lifestyle that crosses paradigms (which is the most difficult task of all).

This is simply who I am...always has been...always will be.

There is a difference between chasing carrots (that can never be caught) and setting high expectations that will naturally take more time, more effort, and more psychological energy...that is the inherent nature of high are the inherent obstacles that make the iourney to achieve these high expectations much more difficult.

I'm a visionary...I envision possibility where others see only dead-ends, always-been-this-ways, and can't-happens.

Yes, I am a visionary, but I am also human, so I absolutely need my visionary friends to remind me from time to time that while I may be exhausted by the carrot du jour with which I am currently engaged in chase, my hands are also full of the impossible carrots that I've already caught...and that needs to be celebrated and honored.

So, today I think I'm ready for some long overdue carrot I'm off to overcome whatever obstacle my carrot chasing journey delivers today.