The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I had an interesting experience tonight while I was piping. I stopped trying to play a tune, and just started to play the notes...not scales, but just playing whatever notes I felt like playing...and it was lovely, absolutely lovely.

I am still learning how to let go of my self-imposed expectations.

Learning to play the bagpipes feels a lot like In the dating world, the focus (for many people) is all about the sex. Everyone wants to have the they meet, compare chemistry & compatibility, then quickly end up having the sex.And, with the bagpipes, the focus is on the tunes....everyone wants to play the the first thing we do (when we pick up our set of bagpipes) is try to play the tunes.

I've been all about the

Having the sex...or playing the's all the same process. It's all about getting to where you want to get as quickly as possible.

Tonight I was able to let go of the expectation that the goal of playing the bagpipes was all about the sex...uh, I mean the playing of the (That's one mixed metaphor that I want to keep And, all joking aside, it felt amazing...because I started to develop a real relationship with the bagpipes. So, once we are both ready to start playing the tunes, we will understand each other in a way that will make the playing so much richer and meaningful....just the like having of the sex in

Who knew that dating and bagpipes had so much in common? lol...

But, in all seriousnessn I have a lot to learn about letting go of the expectations I place upon myself...which is why I have created this open-ended life...but, change does not happen immediately, even when it is actively sought.

In the mean time, I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow night's playing of the notes...and, I guess the only question that remains unanswered is whether I should bring a bottle of wine and shave my