The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Getting Right with God

I often hear people talk about "getting right with God," and while I don't know what they mean by this in a personal sense for them, I do know what this is beginning to mean for me.

I posted the following Facebook status yesterday: "We are supposed to be stewards of the earth. God bestowed that responsibility upon us. Every choice we make as humans that betrays this responsibility is like slapping God's face. We may not like that we can't just do whatever we want when we want, but that's what being a good steward means...that we make SOUND choices that allow for a SUSTAINABLE future for everyone. So,'s not going to be fun to change the lifestyle habits that the earth can not sustain, but we must!"

Getting right with God (for me) right now means stepping up and becoming a good steward of this earth, and that's requiring me to take a long hard look at my life style habits and then do the really hard work of aligning my lifestyle with my Godstyle, aligning my habits with my spiritual values and ideals.

I think it's all too easy to self-justify the lifestyle choices when they are such tiny grains of sand in the big picture. We fill our gas tanks, take out our trash, and make an endless array of choices throughout the course of the day on whatever it is that we buy, but we are completely separated from the reality of the invisible strings that attach us to the long slow environmental decay. But each and every single tiny choice that we make as individuals is another chink in the fading armor of the earth (or not).

I want to live as green as humanly possible, although this will be no easy task.

So today is the first day of my "Getting Right with God" project, which means that I will be making one commitment each and every day, a commitment to my relationship with God by changing my very human lifestyle so that I can align spirit with action. I may not be able to change the choices made by any other individual on this earth, but I do have the power to change my own. . . .and so I will. . . .one commitment at a time.