I created a Facebook Page today called Making a Difference Every Day. I'm tired of feeling powerless to make a difference, so I am doing what I can. I have been reading a wonderful book (Swim Against the Current: Even Dead Fish Can Go with the Flow), and I am finding myself refreshed with the knowledge that I am not alone in my fight, that there really are people AND (more importantly) businesses out there that are figing the same fight that I'm fighting, and I love feeling empowered and connected to the world again.
I once had a dream. Dreams are very important to me, so what happens in a dream holds great signficance. Anyway, I had a dream, and in the dream I am angry and afraid for what's happening in the world, because I can only sleep for so long. (In this dream, the world's healing and protection is facilitated through the dream state of the people who are sleeping.) But then it dawns on me that when I am awake, there is a whole other side of the world that is sleeping, and in fact, there is always someone sleeping to more than cover the 24 hours in a day, so I am relieved and feel free to go about the business of my waking life because of the dreamers on the other side of the world. Profound dream.
I am angry. I'm not an "angry person" per se, but I find that I am angry a lot of the time. If I were angry for no good reason I would think this was a problem. But it's not a problem, because I experience anger about things that a person SHOULD feel angry about, and so I do. Perhaps I feel this anger more intensely than the average person, but I don't care. I refuse to silence my anger when it is an appropriate response to inappropriate circumstances. I rock the boat when it needs to be rocked. I make the hard phone calls when they need to be made. And I rise up in protest when there is no other option left, even when there is great pressure for me to just sit down and "behave myself" like a polite little girl.
I can't be polite when there is foulness afoot, because the anger rises up inside of me like a red hot volcano with no place else to flow but up and out.
But I also find that anger alone isn't enough. Feeling angry without having some kind of resolution just keeps me angry all of the time, which is exactly what happens. I need an outlet for my anger, a productive outlet, and this page (Making a Difference Every Day) is just the outlet that I need, because it's going to connect me in solidarity with other people who are angry about what's happening in the world and are finding creative ways to make a difference in their every day life, too.
It is my hope, that by sharing this information, it will inspire others to think creatively and outside of the box so that there is a sustainable future for us all. . . . .