The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Getting SEREious about Healing

So I was standing in line at the General Store yesterday afternoon, minding my business, just buying some milk for my graveyard coffee, when I notice two people laughing in the next lane. One of them I recognized. . . . .I don't "know" him personally, but I know who he is, and he was laughing while talking into the woman's ear. She then turns to look at me, which he pulled her back. They continue laughing, and I can hear only snippets of the conversation, predemominantly. . . . she. . . . she. . . . she.

I honestly have no idea WHAT they were talking about, but it wasn't one of those warm and fuzzy moments in my life. So I left, saying nothing, of course, because what does a person say in the face of such eye-rolling human indiscretion?

I'm thinking about Don Henley's song. . ..kick 'em when they're up. . . kick 'em when they're down. . . .lol.

I know I'm not supposed to care about what these immature gossip mongers do for their gossip-minding fun, but it bothered me. And it also made me realize that I'm not being true to my own needs, because I haven't felt comfortable having vague people I don't really know be part of my Facebook world when we live in such a small, closed, gossip-ridden community. So I cleared out my FB friends who live at the canyon last night, all except for the people I have an active friendship with, and people whom I trust are not gossipping about what they read here.

I had a long conversation last night with an ex-marine who underwent SERE training. This Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape training is something I don't know if I could ever do, but he talked about one three-day part of the training where they were to lay in one position for three days and remain completely immobile. . . .no matter what happens. No matter if bugs are crawling all over you and biting you non-stop. . . no matter if a jungle snake crawl around your face biting you as it leaves. . . no matter what is going on, the successful training is noted by the soldier who is able to not react to what was happening to them.

I think my time here at the canyon is my personal SERE training. . . .lol.

So, I'm moving into a new phase with my hypersensitivity right now. I'm going to start applying the SERE way of life to my PTSD healing and recovery, so that means learning how to not react to the insensitive immaturity crawling all over me psychologically. I want to acknowledge what's real, but I no longer want it to give it any more power over the real estate in my mind. . . .Lord, give me strength!