I just had an epiphany while piping...feeling like a tiny infant (as a piper) when I want to be a full-grown adult. And, it suddenly dawned on me that it's like I am starting at the beginning of a new life, so I have to learn to crawl before walking before running...no matter what new thing I'm learning. I said to myself, I feel like I have been born again...and that's when the epiphany smacked me.
That's exactly what being "born again" as a Christian is all about, as well.
We may be a full grown adult when we find Jesus, but being born again as a Christian is really all about learning how to live one's life as a Christian...so everything is essentially relearned through an entirely new life paradigm. People don't start out as spiritually strong adults...they must learn how to develop into one. Being born again is like starting over...to become like a child again...but the starting point is wherever the person makes that choice to become born again.
Being born again means that we start over again...from whatever point we are at when we make the choice to do so...when some part of us sprouts open and begins to develop and yearn for growth.
I don't know why this feels like such a huge epiphany, but it feels like the deepest secret of the universe has finally been revealed to me.