The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Chickens and Bears

I have never had a dreams with chickens, but I did last night. I am looking out through the sliding glass door, and I notice tiny black furry baby chicks that warm my heart. But as I watch them, a HUGE black bear walks past, very interested in the baby chicks. I am afraid that the bear will get into the house, so I run all over closing doors and windows. I don't know what happened to the baby chicks, but a few of the full grown mama chickens are attacking the bear to shoo it away!

There is nothing "chicken" about chickens!

This was the dream I had right before I woke up this morning, so I am still processing what it means. I find it most interesting that the chickens (panicky anxiety) were shooing the bear (depression) away when I was too afraid of the bear to do anything to protect the baby chicks. The bear wasn't afraid of anything, even if the chickens were successfully shooing it away. And, I was afraid of the bear, but not the chickens.

I'm afraid of the bear, but not the chickens...intetesting.

The panicky anxiety might make me run around like a chicken with my head cut off, but the depression has the power to kill me...or, so, it feels.

Interesting dream, with some unexpected twists...but what do I do with the huge bear that terrifies me to my core?