The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Inspiration Point

Human beings are strange creatures, indeed. I have been noticing  some very interesting behaviors (on my part). There are certain people who are inspiring me right now to take some daring action in my life. But these people are not inspiring because of anything they have said or any advice given about how they think I should live my life. . . .I am inspired simply because of how they are living their life. . . .inspired by how they confront
their fear. . . .inspired by the way they embrace their bliss.

The reason why I am so fascinated by this observation of inspiration is because I am awakening to a new way of thinking about the work I do, and how the God of free will and unconditional love asks of me to fulfil my life purpose. My post-grad professional life has essentially been about work that centered around inspiration. . . .working to develop treatment plans and behavioral interventions all creatively designed to inspire foster kids to rise up into the full breath of their potential. . . .working to inspire foster parents to go the distance with very challenging behaviors. . . .working to inspire individual clients to grow and develop into their personal best. . . .all meaningful and worthy endeavors on the surface. But all of this "inspirational" work has left me mentally and physically and spiritually exhausted, completely burned out, and ironically about as uninspired as a person could possibly be!

No more! No more work in social services. I'm done with this business of inspiration. . . .
From now on, I am going to simply live my life. . . .on my own terms. . . . in my own spiritual rhythm. . . .following my own personal passion on this spirit guided path to my personal God of mystery. . .and if that inspires others, then that will be a wonderful blessing! But I am beginning to believe that the only inspiration asked or expected of me, is simply to become the change I want to see in the world, rather than trying to change the world to become the change I want to see.