Just like Odysseus, there were many wild winds and great forces in play that delivered me safely to this canyon. I remember how the Women of Faith conference served as a great conduit for my decision making, and how the conference cd--A Grand New Day--motivated both my passage and my first months here at the canyon, and how each day felt fresh and renewed with wonder and possibility.
But my recent struggle to let go of the angst that relentlessly grips my heart has made me all too aware of just how much I carry into my today from what happened yesterday. Perhaps it's part of that which helps us to survive. . . .the ability to remember what stings and which toxic things to avoid. However, regardless of what it is (or why), I want to find that tabula rasa within, because I need to wake up each day fresh and innocent and believing in the potential of all human beings again!
It's a lovely thought. . . .how even the nastiest spirit could awaken one unsuspecting day into their highest most glorious good! It is possible! It could happen! So why do I assume and anticipate that a person is going to be nasty today just because they were nasty yesterday, and the day before that, and even the day before that? What if today is the day when that nasty person's spirit decides all on its own that it's time to "wake up," and I lose out on the miracle because I've laid all of my spiritual money betting that they will be nasty again today?
One of the blessed gifts of quantum physics is the scientific proof that the universe responds and reshapes itself based on the expectations of the observer! What if I am helping to create the nasty behavior simply because I have come to expect it? And, what if I can help to bring about a change simply by changing my expectation?!
I really do need to wake up each day fresh and innocent and believing in the potential of all human beings again, so this morning I posted the words, "It's a Grand New Day!" up onto my bulletin board at work to remind me that each day is a grand day, a freshly renewed day filled with all of the possibility of change. . . .change that I will see only if I am looking for it !