I have been thinking a lot about security. The funny thing is, what makes ME feel secure is not the same thing (apparently) that makes other people feel secure. . . .it's a unique venture, I'm afraid.
Because having a stable job is not what makes me feel secure (especially when I dread going to work every day). Having a home that I come home to each night is also not what makes me feel secure, as that home is dependent upon the having of the stable job. And being in a strong and committed relationship (as wonderful as that can be) is not what makes me feel secure, either. They are all wonderful ways to find security, and I honestly wish these were the ways that I could ground my spirit. . . .because it would have made my life a whole lot easier. . . .but they're not.
What makes me feel secure is knowing that I will be able to handle whatever life throws at me. . . .no matter what happens, no matter what changes, no matter where the winds of Zeus may blow my ship. It is this complete trust in my ability to adapt to change that makes me feel secure, as paradoxical as that may be.
So I'm not really afraid to change jobs at the drop of a dime when I have outgrown them. I'm also not afraid to up and relocate my whole life when I feel called by a different path. And I'm definitely not afraid to fly solo because I am able to fall in love over and over again with this amazing journey that I choose to live.
And so once again I prepare to hold my breath. . . .and leap without knowing how it will end. . . in a blind faith that I don't always understand. . . .with a trust that somehow it will all work out just fine. . . .because my deepest self knows that I am never alone. . . . especially when I am leaping out onto the great void of ground beneath my spirit's feet.