The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Personal Liberty

I did something last night that is causing some inner conflict today, because I can feel the invisible seething criticism from the guardians of all things proper and appropos on the inside of "the box."

But the problem isn't the critical opinions that people are having about what I did...the problem is that I am giving these opinions power to influence my choices about how I live my life.

As I was taking the trash out this morning I grumbled to imyself that this shouldn't even be an issue in the first place. But then I realized that it's an issue because I'm not the only person who has a right to form my own thoughts and opinions, which means that free will by its very nature implies a perpetual sea of difference.

Conflict about this sea of difference, however, is not inherent.

There is a very clear line between the choices that I make in my personal life with cause that effects that affect only me (choices that fall within the realm of personal liberty) and the choices that I make that fall within the realm of community accountability. Unfortunately, we don't always agree with which choices fall within which category of rights. 

Personal Rights vs. Public Accountability.

Thank God for the artists of the world, because it is the artist who is compelled by its very nature to question the rules, to push the boundaries, and to speak a truth that the people of the box could not even dare to whisper.

However, for the artist to survive, they must come to terms with this inner conflict with the critic...or their voice will be lost in the seas of chaos. And I do realize that the conflict ultimately lies within my own mind. So, I grapple once again with this INNER critic who assaults my choices and tries to rob the joy from the fun adventures of my artist self.

And, over the years I have learned one important truth about my artist self...the more pressured she feels to be silenced, the more compelled she feels to speak out and hold these self-imposed guardians of the box accountable for their critical judgments and negative commentary about how everyone else chooses to live the truth of their personal liberty.

So look out...because I am about to clean me some house!