The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Phoenix

I am more than a little bit in love with this part of my journey, right now. Every day more stuff is donated or delivered to its rightful place, and I feel lightened with each day's release.

Today was another very productive day, and tonight I tackled what I first thought would be the toughest piles to "process" history...journals, sketch pads, poetry albums...etc. But I was wrong.

Now I have a box filled with stuff to be burned. And I will create a wonderful ceremony out of it...just myself so I can immerse into the moment of it...the same way we go through when a person honor and celebrate the life lived and lost.

I am honoring the parts of me that have died along the journey.

This process is so liberating...filled with great reverence and sad, slow dirge. And at the end of this work, when I leave this part of the world and head east in search of the path to my roots, it feels like an entirely new me is rising up out of all of this death that I've been holding on to, moving from place to place.

It feels amazing...and I can't wait to get to know this new me...