The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The In-Between

I think I was a truck driver in a previous life. . . .lol. . . . .because I love the way my mind processes when I drive. . . .it's a relaxed state of mind that I don't experience in any other way. . . .not sure why. . . .but I had a lovely drive to Prescott this morning in the wee hours of the day.

I was thinking about how peaceful this move has been, and wondering what made the difference. One of the biggest differences was the built-in "in-between" spaces. . . .that time that was scheduled in-between the long list of things to do. . . .that time where nothing else was scheduled. . . . that time where I was able to sit down, catch my breath, refocus, and then move on the next major event.

My last day of work was Wednesday, and instead of running to Prescott to pick up the trailer to get the move done on Thursday afternnon, I scheduled the pick up day for Saturday. For a person whose list of strengths does not readily include patience, this was a new way for me. So I rested, as much as possible, from Thursday through Saturday. . . .and felt both rejeuvenated and refreshed by the time Saturday afternoon rolled around.

I also deferred the cleaning of the apartment until after my job interview on Monday. I could have scrubbed and rubbed from Thursday through Saturday, but that was my "in-between" rest time, so the apartment cleaning was going to just have to wait one more day.

I think there is an important lesson that I've somehow learned, about the importance of sitting on the edge of whatever I am moving on from before I leap on to the next ledge of opportunity. Maybe it's another lesson that the canyon has invisibly taught my spirit, because there is no quick leaping from edge to edge here at the canyon. . . .you sort of have to stop and regroup before you move on to where ever you're going. . . . .it's just what you do.

But there is such a wonderful gift that's overlooked and missed by just leaping from one thing to another. . . .the gift of reflecting on the blessings. . . .the gift of expressing the appreciation and gratitude. . . .and the gift of feeling fully the truth of what it means to be sitting on the edge of what was in anticipation of the inevitable leap to what will be . . .a leap that will change a person's life forever.

I'm going to miss the canyon so very much, but I need to remember that my relocation to Prescott is far from good-bye, because my spirit is bonded to that place in a way that I could never move on from anyway.

And so it is. . . .in the writing of this blog. . . . as I sip my ice cold tea. . . .I am once again embracing this in-between moment and allowing it to help me to catch my breath and refocus before I start unpacking the seemingle endless pile of boxes into this new life upon which I have taken this amazing leap of faith. . . .

. . . .oh, waitress. . . .another glass of tea, please.