My friend Melinda is a wonderful advocate for animals, and she recently became a foster home for strays in waiting for adoption into their "forever home." I just love that idea. . . .the idea of having a forever home. . . . and I can't help but wonder if I will ever find mine.
I found this castle loft one night at work. THIS would have been the kind of bed I wished for when I was a little girl. Although we moved around so much, even if I had been fortunate enough to have a home where a bed like this was possible, it would have been short lived. My mom did the best she could, but stability was never her strong point. . . .but I sure fell in love with this princess loft :)
I've had a few forever homes in my life time. My first forever home died with my mom, because "going home" (for me) always meant going to wherever my mom was. I thought the life I created with my husband was going to be a forever home, but it turned out to be something far less than what was offered by the fairy tale gone awry. And my boat was supposed to be the forever home I created for myself, but that home has been long sunk by circumstances past.
So I'm not sure if a forever home is destined for my future. For the past three years I've been living in a national park, a place whose rules by their very nature would never even allow me to have a forever home. And I find myself once again packing and moving for yet another long-term temporary move while I complete this program down in Prescott, but I don't really know where I will end up once that journey has completed itself, so this move feels anything but moving into my forever home.
My friend once dated a man who had no home at all. He was a photographer who traveled the world, staying with friends and family wherever he journeyed, but he didn't maintain any type of "base camp" to call home. I don't think I could live quite that footloose and forever home free. I think the ideal life for me would be to have the freedom to travel around, but also to have a home base to return to, although a storage unit could create that, so who knows. . . .lol. And I have been fantasizing about buying a little place in Williams, but that's just a pipe dream (right now), because actually buying something entails either being indepedently wealthy or having a job that supports the process. . . .and right now, I have neither.
But I think that's what this next stage of my journey is about, because my master's degree is so desperately limiting with employment options, and the options it does present I no longer want. So I am opening doors of new possibilities. . . .new possibilities for a more marketable education. . . new possibilities for friends to share and enjoy the journey with. . . . new possibilities for finding or creating the forever home of my dreams, and that is an encouraging thought.
So, I'm not sure how I feel about resonating so deeply with abandoned stray animals who are waiting for their forever homes to adopt them, but I do. And in the meantime, I will enjoy this home and its surrounding beauty for however long I am blessed by its offer of sanctuary. . . .while I continue on in search of my own forever home. . . . .