The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Filling in the Gaps

I think the Japanese have the right idea. When something gets broken, they don't throw it away. . . .they repair it. . . .and not only just repair it, but they fill in the gap with gold because they believe that the crack makes it more intesting.

It's not flawed, it becomes more valuable!

This isn't the way we Americans deal with broken things. . . .and it certainly isn't they way we conceptualize "broken" people, either. And I don't know how to describe what it feels like to have people fill in the gaps with misinformed judgment condescending ignorance about PTSD and all the ways that it can affect the life of a human being.

I am just begining to understand myself. My PTSD went undiagnosed for 27 years! So everything even I've been doing has been following the wrong trail of bread crumbs. But I have found a forum of people who are JUST LIKE ME, so I've been filling in the gaps with a completely different understanding of what's happening in a body and my mind that was created by God to do exactly what it's doing, so there is actually nothing "wrong" with me at all.

I'm done apologizing for the way God made me.

I have PTSD. That's not who I am, it's what makes me uniquely me. There is a difference. I'm not broken and damaged, either. My brain may have been scarred by past trauma, but it is healing itself exactly the way that God intended for the brain to heal itself. Yes, there are problems with the way that my brain is trying to heal itself, because that's what scar tissue can sometimes do. And I am doing absolutely everything I can to help my brain to release the trauma stuck points so that it can heal in more productive ways. . . .

. . . .BUT. . . .

I am NOT where I am because I don't know how to relax. . . or because I'm thinking negative thoughts. . . .or because I just don't want to move on. . . .or because I enjoy living a life filled with panic attacks, nightmares, and chronic insomnia. . . .No! And what I really want to say to people right now is, "Just because YOU don't understand PTSD doesn't mean that there's something wrong with ME!"