The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

New Address

I've changed my address many times, but today I changed my address in an unexpected way. The property was initially set up backwards, so the front is actually the back and vice versa. Today I turned things right side up and corrected the topsyturvy error by having the address of the property changed to reflect the reality of what is happening with the property (rather than what is "supposed" to be, but isn't). And it's a wonderfully fantastic feeling to know that no one else has ever lived at the property's address...that I will be the very first person who has ever lived at this brand new address.

Now I'm really feeling fancy.

I think what's so lovely about this journey is the parallel process of my life. It isn't just about building my own home, it's about creating my own vision, rather than renting space in someone else's vision.

It's also about forging new pathways, rather than being shuttled from point A to point B in the ruts of out-dated thinking. Everything about my life right now is about creating something that didn't previously exist, and it's scary, but it's liberating in a way that I've never experienced.

I have felt turned upside down, unable to get my bearings for a very long time, so having my property bearings corrected feels pretty great. And where I live may not be the most glamorous part of the world, but it's beautiful in its own way. 

Yep...I am very much falling in love with this weed infested canvas upon which my brave new world is being created and turned right side up.