The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Sitting here looking at the bottom of my feet, I notice something interesting. Even with the thick callus that has formed, the footprint remains clearly visible. Now, perhaps this isn't a Nobel Prize winning awareness, but it's important, to me, nonetheless, because this tells me that the callus is built up from the inside (i.e., the strength of the callus grows from the inside out).

My strength comes from within.

The other really important part of this awareness is about how the footprint remains clearly visible, no matter how thick the callus is. So, the callus, itself, remains unique to me. 

That which makes me stronger is unique to me.

Also, the callus is unique not only because of the footprintn but, also because the callus, itself, is built according to the unique obstacles that cause pain to my foot's tender flesh.

That which makes me stronger is specifically unique to my journey.

It's always a lovely gift when these amazing insights remind me of a deep and essential truth about who I am. But, it's an even lovelier gift when I can find so much beauty in something as callous as a

We may be able to walk a mile in another's shoes...but, now I can feel the depth of truth that even this is not enough to understand how or why another person walks their journey as they do.

I think I will walk differently I make my way through this part of my journey upon the heels of inner strength that are unique to me, and me alone.