The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
Home is where the heart is...

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I am all over the place today...literally. One minute I'm buying property here in Kingman...the next I'm packing up car and trailer to hit the road...and the next I'm migrating to Nova Scotia on a live-in caregiver's work visa.

What a crazy making day!

This flipfloppy place is all about home...and I feel absolutely schizophrenic today in this back and forth search for a way to create home (within the constraints of my very meager budget). But the problem is, where? Do I travel around and let the world be my home? Do I buy a piece of property to create the home that I come back to from one travel adventure after another? Or do I choose an ideally suited place and create home there?

How does a gypsy put down roots?

I guess it's called a container garden...a way to both root and travel at the same time...a traveling garden. And I don't even need to ask how to create this, because I've spent the last year doing just that...creating my traveling home that liberates me from a life of dependency upon the temporary use of other people's homes. My traveling home is real and ready to explore the world, so why am I in such a flipfloppy schizophrenic place?

Am I really done with the traveling life before I fully have the chance to experience it?

No, not done...but, definitely still pining for the more traditional ways to create heart and a grieving process for the deeply rooted cultural values that haven't quite caught up with the change that I've been creating this year.

No, definitely not done...just waiting for the right moment to kick start this amazing journey into action....feeling terrified and exhillerated at the same time...